Based on a research done by CompTIA; an IT industry trade association, there are many organizations that turn to use IT managed service providers. The managed service provider (MSP) will handle the companies’ needs of IT elements and collaborate their works with the IT department inside the companies. As the increasing popularity of MSP, we can find kinds of successful story from a company that use IT managed services.         Â
Many managed service providers are exist, however, the adoptions are still low. The CompTIA research showed that only 3 of 10 organizations that give their IT works up to the MSP. However, over two-thirds of the surveyed companies use the managed services in the other fields of their works during the past one year. Â Â
Managed services are increasingly popular among many companies and they use it to get services of various IT functions. Especially for customer relationship management application, email hosting, backup and recovery, storage, and also network monitoring.
Extended Reach of Top MSPs
The managed service providers that provide upper echelon services offer services in data analytics, advanced application monitoring and also Business Intelligence. Those services are increasingly needed today, but providers should extend to manage the network infrastructure as well as the basic software infrastructure.
The mindfulness problem of past has been definitional today. Nowadays when software as a service, customers and occasionally the providers stay unclear about the builder of managed service. But it is not a huge problem. It is only very difficult for the managed service space marketing size as well as to determine the adoption rates. The providers of managed services hasn’t communicated their service benefits yet to the users, although the users of their services have been doubled in the amount today. Â
Managed Services Provider as your Business Partner
The important fact is that when the companies use managed service providers for their IT needs, it complements the internal IT rather than replacing it. The study also found that there are very few companies got rid of some IT staffs because of they join the MSP up. The use of managed service provider is to mix the existing IT staffs so they can work together and focus to the other strategic projects. Â
In this way, the collaboration will elevate the IT staffs. It will then become a win-win solution for the IT Staffs so they can focus to the developing project. Â Â
The reason of hiring IT managed service providers is also changing today. If it was because of the cost saving in the past, it has more benefits today, such as generating revenue and also assisting the company to be more efficient. Besides, security also becomes a reason of MSPs using today. Security often causes human errors in the internal staffs. So it will be minimized by the IT managed services provider.
Let IT MSP give their best IT Solution
As many as 56% of companies with more than 100 employees in the CompTIA survey get the reliability and improvement after going with the IT managed services. Whilst 47% companies have less than 100 employees.

On the other hand, 38% companies in all sizes got security and compliance enhancement. 33% companies with over 100 employees as well as 28% companies with less than 100 employees got ROI/ cost savings for getting IT managed services.
The survey also found that 6 of the 10 respondents think through using MSP in their advance technology usage for the physical security services. Besides, 63% of the group use managed service provider for monitoring the application. The services that are lowest in demand are such as video conference, audio-visual services and also mobile device management services. Â
Get Your Success with IT Managed Service Provider
The demands of great IT works for every company is the main reason of why every company should have great IT staffs. However, for kinds of reasons, the IT staffs inside the companies can’t work well as the company needs. That is why managed services are needed. There are many more advantages that can be received other than just cost savings. And there are kinds of successful story from a company that using IT managed services. They can improve their incomes as well as the quality of the IT staff works.
There are many more advantages that can be gotten by using IT managed services, such as:
- More focus on the main activities; during the development of a company, they need to use more resources. By using managed services, they can have more business activities while still hold the quality of the back office works.
- Get higher quality in cost effective savings. Using the IT managed services will enable you getting high quality works from reliable firm without spending much higher costs.
- Reducing the Overhead Cost. Hiring more IT staffs must also demand a company to have more space for them to work. It will spend great amount of money to provide more work rooms. But it will not happen if the company uses IT managed services that can be given through the office of the providers.
- Developing the internal staffs. If you have the managed services inside the office and let your staffs work together with them, it will make your staffs learn much from them so they will get new skills to become better IT staffs.
Therefore, you can get the IT managed services too in order to become one of the companies that have successful story by using IT managed services.
9 years experience in IT Managed Services, Elitery will give your company the best solution to your IT infrastructure.
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