Integrated Reporting Information System (SIPANDU)
The Integrated Report Information System (SiPANDU) is used by service providers, including companies, communities, governments, or other organizations, to receive, follow up, and monitor incoming reports so that they can be resolved quickly, accurately, and measurably.
Fast, Accurate, and Measurable
SiPANDU utilizes Chatbot technology and WhatsApp applications as an alternative to traditional applications or website forms, making it easier for Users/Reporters to report issues to service providers, whether they are companies, communities, or government bodies.
Embracing the concept of Smart Engagement, SiPANDU is designed as a practical and efficient reporting channel to realize a digital communication platform using cutting-edge technology.


SiPANDU WhatsApp
Supported by Chatbot technology and WhatsApp API.

Ticketing System
Connected with a ticketing system to facilitate the checking and follow-up of reports.

Integrated Dashboard System
Makes it easier for service providers to monitor reports and their status.
For User
- Simply using WhatsApp and a Menu Driven Chat can facilitate reporting without the need to download a special app.
- Just with the phone number used during reporting, you can quickly track the status of the report.
For Provider
- Directly connected to the ticketing system to facilitate the checking and follow-up of reports.
- A user-friendly dashboard display to make it easier for service providers to monitor reports and their status.

Latest Insight
Learn More About SiPANON and Video Monitoring System
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With SiPANDU, Service Providers can act quickly, reports are resolved promptly, and Users feel safe and comfortable.