Ringkasan Eksekutif

PT. Data Sinergitama Jaya Tbk atau lebih dikenal dengan Elitery didirikan pada tanggal 20 Juni 2011. Elitery adalah perusahaan penyedia layanan (managed service) di bidang Teknologi Informasi, khususnya teknologi pusat data (data center) virtual yang disebut dengan “Cloud”.

Elitery memiliki komitmen standar mutu layanan yang tinggi untuk pelanggan. Ini dibuktikan dengan proses bisnis Elitery yang sudah memiliki sertifikasi internasional seperti:

  1. ISO 9001:2015 untuk sistem manajemen mutu
  2. ISO 27001:2013 untuk manajemen sistem informasi
  3. PCI-DSS V3.2 untuk industri kartu pembayaran
  4. OHSAS 18001:2007 untuk sertifikasi kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja.

Selama lebih dari 11 tahun beroperasi, Elitery telah mendukung pelanggan di berbagai sektor, mulai dari sektor pemerintahan, perbankan, jasa keuangan, BUMN, energi, makanan dan minuman serta bidang kesehatan dalam proses digital transformasi, khususnya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan Pusat Data.

Pusat Data adalah tulang punggung dari semua organisasi di masa digital sekarang ini. Dengn melihat pentingnya pusat data, pemerintah mengeluarkan beberapa peraturan khusus untuk menjamin ketersediaan pusat data seperti PP 95/2018 tentang Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik (SPBE), PP 71/2019 terkait Penyelenggaraan Sistem dan Transaksi Elektronik (PSTE), dan POJK 04/2021 untuk Lembaga Jasa Keuangan Non Bank (LKJNB),

Peran utama Elitery dalam penerapan teknologi Cloud adalah membantu pelanggan dalam merencanakan, memigrasikan dan mengoperasikan sistem yang mereka miliki di Cloud. Tidak hanya itu, Elitery juga membangun solusi-solusi inovatif menggunakan teknologi Cloud, antara lain: Solusi Disaster Recovery as a Service (DraaS), Chatbot dan IoT yang memiliki kemampuan AI dan Machine Learning.

Perpindahan pusat data dari teknologi tradisional (fisik) ke teknologi Cloud (virtual) adalah sebuah keniscayaan dan semakin di akselerasi semasa pandemi. Dengan solusi, pengalaman dan kompetensi yang dimiliki, Elitery berada di posisi terdepan untuk membantu pelanggan – pelanggan dalam penggunaan teknologi Cloud dan dengan itu menguasai market IT service teknologi Cloud di Indonesia.

Visi dan Misi

Bagi kami, Visi adalah mimpi yang harus mempunyai tujuan dan target yang jelas, dan misi adalah alasan bagi adanya Elitery sebagai perusahaan.


Menjadi perusahaan Indonesia yang masuk sebagai ‘Leader’ pada ‘Gartner Magic Quadrant for Public Cloud Infrastructure Professional and Managed Services, Worldwide’


Memberikan manfaat sebanyak-banyaknya bagi manusia melalui Teknologi Informasi

Nilai Perusahaan

  1. Credible Seluruh Eliters selalu dapat dipercaya dan mematuhi seluruh norma, aturan,  maupun kode etik perusahaan.
  2. Competent Seluruh Eliters terus mencari hal-hal baru untuk dipelajari dan menerapkan pengetahuan atau keterampilan yang baru diperoleh agar mampu memiliki kemampuan yang dipersyaratkan oleh jabatan.
  3. Committed to Quality Seluruh Eliters selalu menyelesaikan semua tugas secara sempurna dan  memeriksa proses kerja secara rinci.
  4. Continuously Improving Seluruh Eliters Melakukan perbaikan atau peningkatan yang berdampak secara signifikan dan terukur, terhadap kondisi saat ini dengan menerapkan pengetahuan baru
  5. Customer Focus Seluruh Eliters selalu memprioritaskan pelanggan, memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan, dan mempertahankan hubungan yang produktif dengan pelanggan.

Pencapaian Elitery

Pencapaian new  

Executive Summary

Building greater futures through innovation and collective knowledge.

Founded in 2011, PT Data Sinergitama Jaya, Tbk (later known as “Elitery”) is an IT-managed service company that focuses on cloud and cybersecurity services. With a good corporate reputation, Elitery is trusted by world-class cloud services providers, such as Google Cloud as a go-to-market partner in Indonesia.

Elitery is committed to high-quality service standards for its customers. This is evidenced by Elitery’s business processes that have international certifications such as:

  • ISO 9001:2015 for quality management systems
  • ISO 27001:2013 for information security management
  • PCI-DSS V3.2 for the payment card industry
  • OHSAS 18001:2007 for health and safety management certification.

Since 2011, Elitery has handled many mission-critical systems accessed by tens of millions of users daily. Customers from various sectors, both private and government have also trusted Elitery. Equipped with the experience and competence that Elitery has, Elitery is confident that it can become a trusted partner for your organization’s digital transformation.

For us, Vision is a dream with a clear goal and target, and Mission is the reason for Elitery’s existence as a company.


To be in the leader quadrant of the Gartner Magic Quadrant for “Public Cloud IT Transformation Services”


To bring benefits for society by using information technology


Being trustworthy and obey (comply) all organizational norms, rules, and ethical principles


Continuously finding new areas for learning and implementing the newly gained knowledge and skills.

Committed to Quality

Completing all the tasks and examining the process through giving attention to their details.

Continuously Improving

Improving the existing condition and identifying the opportunities by implementing the new knowledge and measuring the impacts.

Customer Focus

Prioritizing the customer and their needs as well as maintaining good and productive relationship with the customer.

First Indonesia’s Local Google Cloud Managed Service Provider (MSP)

May 14, 2024


Google Cloud Public Sector Partner of the Year Award winner 2024 - Asia Pacific

April 9, 2024

Indonesia Best CEO SWA 2023 Award in the category of 'BEST CEO WITH SPECIAL RECOGNITION
Kresna Adiprawira - President Director of Elitery

January 31, 2024

Google Cloud 2023 Partner All-Star
Adhitya Rangga - Solution Architect, Elitery

December 22, 2023
Google All Star Rangga

Google Cloud 2023 Partner All-Star
Anggita Hanindya Putri - Google Alliance Lead - Bizdev & Partnership Manager, Elitery

December 22, 2023

CrowdStrike Partner EOY CRWD Connect Award
for 'Top Cloud Security Sales Champion 2023'

December 15, 2023

Outstanding Proposal Award from
the Supplier Innovation Program (SLB) Asia 2023

September 29, 2023

Public Sector of The Year - Asia Pacific 2023
Award from Google Cloud

August 30, 2023

Finalists of the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ 2023 Indonesia Program
Kresna Adiprawira - President Director of Elitery

August 28, 2023
ey enterpreneur

Google Cloud Expertise Award, Apigee

August 16, 2023

New Expertise Awards from Google Cloud:
1. Global Public Sector Expertise - Government from Google Cloud
2. Application Security Expertise - Google Cloud
3. Google Public Sector Expertise - Education - Google Cloud
4. Financial Services Expertise - Google Cloud

June 26, 2023

Cloud Migration Services Specialization Award - Google Cloud

June 9, 2023
award google cloud

Google for Education Partner Forum 2023 Award - Asia Pacific in Singapore

May 15, 2023

It Works Awards 2022
TOP DIGITAL Implementation 2022 Stars 4 - PT Data Sinergitama Jaya (ELITERY)
TOP Leader in Digital Implementation 2022 - Kresna Adiprawira, Chief Executive Officer
TOP CIO in Digital Implementation 2022 - Ery Setyo Wibowo, Chief Operating Officer


Becoming Google Cloud Specialization in Infrastructure

July 4, 2022

Becoming a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Premier Partner

May 30, 2022

Top Achiever Google 2021 Public Sector Segment - Indonesia

March 10, 2022

Becoming an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner.


Becoming a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Partner
The GCP Sales & Service Partner Advisor


Becoming an AWS Select Consulting Partner


Received Tier III Certification from the Uptime Institute for the data center operated by Elitery. This is the first Tier III certification for a data center in Southeast Asia.


Why Us ?


We deliver 24x7x365 support with excellent customer service that has been a part of our DNA since the beginning.


Supported by certified engineers with years of experience, you can rest assured that your IT Operation is in good hands.


Trust us in managing all your cloud requirements. From public to private, hybrid or multi cloud, our experienced engineers are ready to help you running your IT infrastructure smoothly.


We serve more than 200 customers since 2007. One of the proven commitment is being certified with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, PCI-DSS V3.2.1, and ISO 45001:2018.




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